Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dino Diarrhea....and God!

The other night Des asked if dinosaurs had diarrhea. I told him probably and am now doing research.

First site I found:

"I believe that Dinosaurs were created on Day 6, the same day as Adam. I believe that they lived for a few thousand years, until the flood came. Noah took 2 of every kind of animal onto the ark, including dinosaurs. The harsh post-flood environment made it hard for the dinosaurs to live long after this. Some may have been hunted to extinction, and others were unable to survive as they degenerated (part of the curse God placed on the earth when Adam sinned), and lost some of their original abilities (the T-rex lost use of its arms for instance, as they shriveled and became useless).

How dinosaurs became extinct is one of the greatest questions of all time.

Those who do not believe the Biblical account of Creation have to come up with other theories.

Some have suggested that the dinosaurs were killed when a giant meteor hit the earth.

Some people believe that the dinosaurs died from diarrhea,
and others believe that they died of constipation.
(seriously.. they've spent millions of your tax dollars trying to prove this!)"

I'm laughing so hard right now!